Monday, August 24, 2020

Introduction to Operating Systems Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Prologue to Operating Systems - Assignment Example While for making an interface with the product it utilizes the application programs. The basic capacity gave by the working framework is that of interface for connection between the equipment and programming, since both are similarly significant for the reasonable working of a PC framework (Null and Lobur, 2010). For the equipment that is associated with the framework, explicit programming projects are required which permit acknowledgment by the working framework. This errand is cultivated by the drivers which make it feasible for the working framework to join the equipment with the application virtual products and different parts of the framework. Drivers additionally help in guaranteeing the correct working of equipment types (Andrews, 2009). The accepted procedures for keeping the framework current are refreshing it on customary premise. Downloading of the essential fixes that may be required with new drivers. Best practices additionally incorporate guaranteeing the genuineness of downloading material and checking its similarity with the current equipment and working framework bit. Henceforth working framework is that piece of the whole framework without which the PC can't exist. Working framework resembles the heart to human body that controls every other part and furnishes them with important

Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Eureka Stockade free essay sample

Conditions on the gold fields, out of line laws, bigotry, hostile to British perspectives and the miner’s permit, had a tremendous influence in making the Eureka Rebellion occur. The miners’ in the end became burnt out on the out of line laws and day to day environments, so they manufactured the Eureka Stockade and assembled guns, trying to battle for their privileges and freedoms. During the early morning of December third 1854, the specialists propelled an assault on the barricade. The miners’ retaliated intensely, however their essential weapons and assurance was no counterpart for the military’s immense numbers and wild weaponry. Despite the fact that the revolt itself was a military disappointment, the miners’ resistance prompted individual and political advantages for some Australians. The Eureka Stockade was a grisly yet fundamental piece of Australian history. It assumed a crucial job in the improvement of majority rule government and individual personality inside Australia. The insubordination was brought about by various issues inside the gold fields. We will compose a custom paper test on The Eureka Stockade or on the other hand any comparative point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page The diggers were experiencing various treacheries. They had no political rights; they were not permitted to cast a ballot in decisions nor were they qualified for an agent in the Legislative Council, and they were dealt with unfairly by the explicitly fierce and degenerate government authorities. In any case, their principle complaint was the unnecessary and overrated gold mining permit, which cost thirty shillings every month to restore. The majority of the miners’ discovered it about difficult to pay the strangely valued mining expense and still meet the average cost for basic items, on the rare and scarcely adequate measure of cash they had. The miners’ were required to convey their licenses with them consistently, in the event that they were found without their permit they could be fined or detained. The feared â€Å"License Hunts† were before long acquired. Permit Hunts gave police the freedom to check a miner’s permit indiscriminately. Those found without a permit were at risk to extreme fines and uncalled for detainment and discipline. The greater part of the police were inadmissible, the same number of them were ex-convicts and watches; in view of this a large number of the officials were slanted to savagery and ruthlessness during a License Hunt. The officers’ ruthlessness and uncalled for conduct additionally maddened the diggers and made the Ballarat Gold-Fields’ police subject to much scorn. Degenerate Officialdom was a powerful issue on the gold fields. In one case, a gathering of men beat a plastered Scottish digger to death, the gathering included nearby publican James Bentley. James was a companion of the nearby officer; as a result of this he and the other three men got away from mistreatment. The excavators were shocked. A gathering of three diggers went to Bentley’s lodging and set it ablaze in disobedience. It was not very not long after that the men were accused of torching. On the eleventh of November 1854, ten thousand diggers satisfied to need the arrival of the three men, the ideal for all guys to cast a ballot and the nullification of the excavators permit; this gathering prompted the arrangement of the Ballarat Reform League. A few of the Reform League pioneers had likewise been engaged with the Chartist development in England. On the 29th of November of that equivalent year, twelve thousand individuals at Bakery Hill looked as the Southern Cross banner, also called the Eureka Flag, was disclosed just because. The banner turned into the image of their battle; the diggers consumed their licenses and discharged shots into the air under the banner in a demonstration of triumph and resistance. The following day, under the administration of an Irishman, Peter Lalor, a littler however decided gathering swore the pledge under the Eureka banner. â€Å"We depend on the Southern Cross to stand really by one another and battle to guard our privileges and liberties† †The Miners Oath The little gathering of diggers, walked to the Eureka Lead and fashioned wooden blockades, to frame what is presently broadly known as the Eureka Stockade. The uthorities, loathing the miners’ resistance, brought in fortifications from Melbourne and arranged their assault. Following two days of leaving the diggers safe in their barricade, intensely equipped warriors and police assaulted the barricade on Sunday the third of December 1854. The diggers were ill-equipped and found napping; they battled earne stly and mental fortitude, however were dwarfed and outgunned. In spite of the fact that the excavators lost the fight, at last the war was won. Twenty-Two of the excavators were left dead, and a further 125 diggers were taken prisoner, many being seriously injured. The specialists just experienced six losses, being cops and troopers. An estimation of 120 diggers were captured after the Stockade, a large number of them being blameless. Notwithstanding, thirteen of them were accused of High Treason, regardless of the proof against them, not a solitary one of the diggers were seen as blameworthy. Diminish Lalor, the pioneer of the revolt, and a couple of other men from the resistance, figured out how to get away from the scene. Lalor’s left arm which was severely injured from gunfire wounds was in the long run removed. When Hotham’s Royal Commission Report was at last passed on it surveyed all parts of the organization on the gold fields. The report made a few significant proposals including the cancelation of the diggers permit, cuts on the measure of police, the substitution of gold chiefs and the limitation on Chinese movement. As per Blainey, It was maybe the most liberal concession offered by a senator to a significant adversary throughout the entire existence of Australia up to that time. The individuals from the commission were named before Eureka they were men who were probably going to be thoughtful to the diggers. Dwindle Lalor and different radicals, who had gotten away from the Stockade, came out of covering up after a general absolution was declared on the ninth of May 1855. Lalor then composed an announcement to the Colonists of Victoria expressing, There are two things associated with the late episode (The Eureka Stockade) which I profoundly lament. The first is, that we shouldn’t have been compelled to wage war by any means; and the second is, that when we were constrained to take the field in our own guard, we couldn't (through need of arms, ammo and a little association) to exact on the genuine creators of the episode the discipline they so luxuriously merited. In 1855 Lalor had become the principal Member of the Legislative Council, for the seat of Ballarat. The excavators in Ballarat were given eight agents in Parliament. During one of Lalor’s talks in the Legislative Council in 1856 he stated, I would ask these respectable men what they mean by the term majority rules system. Do they mean Chartism or Republicanism? Assuming this is the case, I never was, I am not presently, nor do I ever mean to be a democrat. Be that as it may, if a democrat implies resistance to an oppressive press, a domineering people, or an overbearing government, at that point I have been, I am still, and will ever stay a democrat. Lalor was later chosen for the New Legislative Assembly in1856, and afterward proceeded to be chosen Speaker of the Legislative Assembly in 1880. The Eureka Stockade impacted Australia extraordinarily. Despite the fact that the momentary advantages of Eureka were just somewhat gainful, the drawn out outcomes have definitely changed and formed Australia. The Eureka Stockade was the establishment stone of majority rule government in Australia, with some in any event, contending that Australian popular government was conceived at Eureka. Aha likewise observed the start of Australia turning into its own, free country, without having solid connections to the British. It gave numerous common, average workers people groups indistinguishable rights from the individuals who were conceived in to riches and influence.

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Common Phobic Reactions for the Three Types of Phobias

Common Phobic Reactions for the Three Types of Phobias Phobias Print Common Phobic Reactions for the Three Types of Phobias By Lisa Fritscher Lisa Fritscher is a freelance writer and editor with a deep interest in phobias and other mental health topics. Learn about our editorial policy Lisa Fritscher Updated on October 14, 2018 JGI/Tom Grill/Getty Images More in Phobias Causes Symptoms and Diagnosis Treatment Types A loose definition of a phobic reaction is any reaction to a phobia. These reactions are symptoms -- for example, feeling intense anxiety or sweaty palms -- and may range from mild to severe. A therapist will use the details you give her about your phobic reactions to help her make the correct diagnosis. When to Seek Help for Phobic Reactions There are three types of phobia: social phobia, agoraphobia, and specific phobia. Symptoms, or phobic reactions, may be psychological, such as an intense feeling of unease or foreboding; physical, such as crying or gastrointestinal distress; or behavioral, which includes a wide variety of avoidance tactics. Your phobic reaction merits a trip to the doctor when your symptoms interfere with your ability to make money, maintain healthy personal relationships, and perform essential daily tasks, such as bathing or grocery shopping. Treatment for Phobic Reactions All three types of phobia are highly treatable with help from a mental health professional and tend to get worse over time if you dont seek treatment. Typical treatment for phobia includes cognitive behavioral therapy techniques including gradual desensitization, comparing your unreasonable fears to the actual risk, and changing your maladaptive thoughts into constructive ones. Phobic Reactions in Social Phobia Social phobia, or social anxiety disorder, is a fear of judgment by others. Its an intense fear of embarrassing or humiliating yourself in small or large groups. Phobic reactions to what triggers your social phobia may include:      being overly concerned you will offend someone      an intense fear of having a conversation with strangers      avoiding any situation where you will be the center of attention, such as a birthday party      anticipating the worst case scenario during a social situation Phobic Reactions in Agoraphobia Agoraphobia is commonly thought of as a fear of wide, open space. Actually, this anxiety disorder is a fear of being unable to escape to safety or find help when you start having a phobic reaction. The physical symptoms match those of specific phobia (below). Maladaptive thoughts during a phobic reaction to agoraphobia can include:      Im losing my sanity.      I might lose control and have an obvious phobic reaction in public and others may stare.      I wont be able to get out of here if I start to have a phobic reaction. Certain behaviors are characteristic of agoraphobia, including:      not being able to leave your residence for long periods of time      an aversion to being far from home      needing someone you trust when going out Phobic Reactions in Specific Phobia Specific phobia presents as an intense, exaggerated, and persistent fear of a situation or object. The number of specific phobias is only limited by the number of nouns and includes, a fear of bathing (ablutophobia), a fear of the number 8 (octophobia), and the fear of death (thanatophobia). A phobic reaction to specific phobia happens when you anticipate or encounter your trigger and includes:      feelings of imminent doom      feeling dizzy or light-headed      nausea or diarrhea      avoidance tactics to prevent an encounter with your trigger      ringing in your ears

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Interrelationships between Health and Culture - 600 Words

Interrelationships between Health and Culture In this report I will discuss some of the effects culture has on its people. As Americans we tend to associate the quality of life and health to be higher in countries that are more technologically-economically advanced. However, this isn’t always the case. There are some places in the world (as listed below) where even though they might not be as prosperous as countries like America or Britain, they are healthier and happier. Ikaria, Greece The inhabitance on the Greek island of Ikaria, are three times more likely to reach the age of ninety years than their counterparts in the United States of America (Blue Zones Ikaria, 2014), and on average ten years longer than those in the rest of†¦show more content†¦Okinawa, Japan Okinawa, Japan, the land of the immortals. How does and island that has been invaded by both the Chinese and the Japenese, still boast some of the worlds longest-lived people (Blue Zones Okinawa, 2014)? Similar to Ikaria, Greece, the people of Okinawa have less cancer, hearth disease, and dementia than Americans. When processed and high calorie foods made their way to Okinawa and were consumtion, the level of lower aged islanders started to rise, the parents of this genereation started to outlive their children (Blue Zones, Okinawa, 2014). A common pratcice in the native culture is to only eat till they are eighty percent full. This eighty percent consumtion consists of â€Å"a h eaping plate of Okinawan vegitables, tofu, miso soup, and a little fish or meat† (Buettner, 2005). Another very important factor of the Okinawan culture and contribution to their health, is the importance they place in tending and maintining their gardens. Locals spend much of their time caring for their personal gardens, growing herbs and vegetables, giving them produce rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. While tending these gardens during the day, the locals get considerable exposure to the pacific sunlight, giving them sufficient opportunity to absorb their daily amount of Vitamin D (Zones, Okinawa, Japan, 2014). In my opinion, while perhaps not as seperated from modern culture as the Greecian island of Ikaria, the nativesShow MoreRelatedAssignments: Managing Business Activities to Achieve Results1060 Words   |  5 Pagesand implement operational systems to improve their effectiveness and efficiency and achieve the desired results for the business. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Evaluation Of A Project Management Essay - 1293 Words

There are different methods that will get a project completed. Some projects failed due poor planning or poor decision making by the project manager. However, according to Harold Kerzner, â€Å"Today, excellent companies realize that project failures have more to do with behavioral shortcomings – poor employee morale, negative human relations, low productivity, and lack of commitment.† (377). Today, project managers are to focus on situational leadership, which is known to be effective in project management. Situational leadership refers to when the leader of the project must adjust his style of leadership to the team members’ personalities. Situational leader is known to be effective in project management. It is important for leaders to focus on their behavior towards the team, such as â€Å"tolerance of external events and tolerance of people’s personalities.† (378). There have been managers that had to change their leadership style from traditional to situational leadership to lead their team to success. To be successful, it is a mixture of a person’s experience and personality with his or her style of leadership. Once the decision has been established and shared by the project manager, the project manager is recognized to possess strong behavioral skills and are presumably have a successful project. Additionally, a project manager who maintains a strong behavioral skills are delegate responsibilities are in all likely to be accountable for the team, and the result of theShow MoreRelatedEvaluation Of A Project Management1897 Words   |  8 PagesOversight in Project Management Donald L. Thornton Jr. INF410: Project Management Instructor: Dr. Kevin Kuznia 02/13/2017 Although it may be temporary, a project is an exclusive endeavor initiated with a defined start and finish point and a set number of tasks that need to be completed to reach a possible set or unset finishing date. In project management, we carry out a group of tasks with a defined set of skills, capabilities, and philosophy acquired over a set period, whileRead MoreEvaluation Of A Project On Project Management847 Words   |  4 Pagescollection of strategic methods that focus on how to plan, perform and complete certain projects. It has a conductive approach which depends on the conditions of different projects(Marchewka, 2003). Role of the Methodologies in Project Management: It suggests variations, tools and techniques, analyzation to accomplish the projects(Marchewka, 2003). It designs a plan to fulfill the project and product life cycles(Marchewka, 2003). Methodologies enable the sponsors, team membersRead MoreEvaluation Of A Project Management Essay1388 Words   |  6 PagesIn project management, there are many different to methods to handle how the project should be completed, how an ethical situation should be handled, what types of decisions should be made, how much knowledge the project management should possess, their focus of completing the job on budget and on schedule and understand the scope, as well as knowing how to communicate. When I completed OGL 320: Foundations of Project Management, I understood the hard work the project management had to endure toRead MoreEvaluation Of A Project Management1202 Words   |  5 PagesProject Management For this Running Case, we are Checking and controlling procedures measure progress toward the task goals, screen deviation from the arrangement, and make a restorative move to match pace with the agreement. Execution reports are primary yields of observing and controlling. 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Risk Management 11.1 Risk management plan A risk is an indefinite event or circumstance that, if or when it does occur it can have a positive or negative effect on the project and its outcome. Risk is an integral part of every project and every project manager should assess risks throughout the phase of the project and develop plans on how to tackle themRead MoreEvaluation Of A Project Management Audit Essay950 Words   |  4 PagesWhat should be done to ensure appropriate closure of this project and why? There will be several areas of â€Å"clean-up† to address before announcing the project success and closure. First, before the closure of the project, it is better conduct an interim project audit to analysis the result. A project management audit is an examination designed to determine the true status of work performed on a project and its conformance with the project statement of work, including schedule and budget constraintsRead MoreCritical Evaluation Of A Project Management1306 Words   |  6 PagesIn project management, there are different methods to get it completed with success. Some projects failed due to poor planning or poor decision making by the project manager. However, according to Harold Kerzner, â€Å"Today, excellent companies realize that project failures have more to do with behavioral shortcomings – poor employee morale, negative human relations, low productivity, and lack of commitment.† (377). Today, project managers are to focus on situational leadership, which is known to beRead MoreEvaluation Of A Project Management ( Apm ) Essay1600 Words   |  7 PagesA project is a temporary organization that is created for the purpose of delivering one or more business product in accordance to an agreed business case (PRINCE2 2005). However, this definition doesn’t seem to elaborate on all the principles and numerous factors, which define a project as compared to Association for Project Management (APM). APM defines a project as an endeavor in which, human materials and financial resources are organized in a novel. Therefore, being able to deliver a unique scopeRead MoreEvaluation Of A Project Manager Management1251 Words   |  6 Pagesin estimation. Master schedule, daily, weekly and monthly forecasts for a project was covered by scheduling and also the various processes that go into making the schedule more efficient like crashing were observed on site as well as from t he perspective of a project manager. During the course of work, a proposal for standardizing the processes like material management on site, preparing punch lists and work force management were proposed by me which are implemented or in the stage of implementation

Tesol †Observation Journal 1 Free Essays

Observation Journal 1 Date: 13/09/2012 Duration: 1 hour Location: International House London Level: Upper Intermediate Teaching Aim: Past Subjunctive (structure lesson) Use of â€Å"I wish† for regrets and criticism Lesson Pace During the first half of the lesson the teacher moved at a particularly fast pace. Whilst understandably a swift pace is required in order to fit the breath of information into the lesson I feel this was to the detriment of student learning in some instances. For example when asking questions of students it was common for the teacher to answer before providing sufficient time for students to answer. We will write a custom essay sample on Tesol – Observation Journal 1 or any similar topic only for you Order Now This had the consequence of stopping all but the quickest students a chance to be involved with the lesson. Again this was also seen when individual students were picked out by name to repeat a phrase paying specific attention to their intonation; on numerous occasions at the start of the lesson upon speaking the requested phrase the teacher was very quick to repeat the same phrase using the correct intonation. This style of teaching limits student talking time which is a key aspect when trying to engage the active memory of the students in order to promote retention of the material being taught. A better structure would have been to elicit the correct repetition of the request phrase from another student and then returning to the initially asked student to repeat the phrase once more. Using this suggested structure would promote student talking time and allow all students more time to hear the correct intonation of the phrase. The benefits of the fast pace were that all students stayed engaged for the duration of the lesson however I believe a lesson can move at a swift pace whilst still allowing sufficient time for students to repeat phrases and answer questions. I have learnt that a quick pace is generally beneficial when all students are able to keep up however my opinion is that allowing students the time to answer questions and not always giving the correct answer to quickly is paramount to student learning. By permitting this additional time to elicit answers from students you will more readily be able to establish whether or not the class is in fact following the lesson as expected and therefore be able to continue or adjust the pace accordingly. Teachers Manner Overall I felt the teacher was engaging and authoritative whilst also being able to display humorous traits which worked well to keep the class involved for the duration of the lesson. For the majority of correct answers the teacher would affirm the answer given by saying â€Å"good†. This was a positive aspect of the teacher’s manner as she used this phrase repeatedly as opposed to varying this affirmation with phrases such as â€Å"excellent† or â€Å"very good† which may have led to a degree of favouritism within the class. On one occasion however the teacher, in accompaniment to the introduction of a new concept, asks a particular student â€Å"is it clear? . In a typical classroom setting I find it unlikely that any student would want to profess to a lack of understanding and thus the lesson moves on without really knowing whether or not the concept was correctly understood. In this situation a more appropriate tactic would have been to request the s tudent provide an alternate example of the concept being taught. This would allow any lack of understanding to be identified whilst also presenting an opportunity for the teacher to involve the rest of the class when eliciting a correct response. Oftentimes the teacher would call students by name and with the exception of one instance where the teacher got the students name wrong this worked well to firstly engage the class throughout the lesson and secondly concept check important lesson points. The teacher also made an effort to select students at random when eliciting answers; something which I believe is key to keeping students focused, as it is all too easy for students to switch off if they know they are fifth or sixth in line to answer a question. A couple of times the teacher admitted to making mistakes on the hand-outs, which is an aspect of the lesson that could easily have been corrected by proofreading all materials beforehand. This didn’t appear to be a problem for the class as they looked comfortable with the teacher whom they have likely worked with before. Although for students with which the teacher had not worked with before this could have been a problem because students wouldn’t necessarily have the same confidence levels in a teacher they are unfamiliar with. Classroom Management Students were arranged in a semi-circle formation facing the teacher. My belief was that this particular arrangement benefited the students, as it allowed all students to face each other and thus lower any barriers to peer-group interaction which may have existed with some students sitting behind others. This structure also helped when students were asked to talk in pairs and allowed the teacher to easily monitor each conversation without being disruptive. For my own lessons I aim to use this same layout where possible as it would appear to be the best way to involve all students to interact within the lesson. Towards the end of the lesson the students were instructed to form new pairs for the free stage. This worked by splitting the class into â€Å"husband† and â€Å"wife† pairings which also had the added impact of adding some fun to the exercise. This use of stereotypes for the â€Å"husband† and â€Å"wife† was an effective way to set context for the exercise. The benefit of which was that the students were quickly able to get into the role playing game, which would likely not have been so enjoyable for the students if the class had not been segmented in such a way. Teaching Point Ultimately the teacher achieved her aim and had the students using â€Å"I wish† in the correct manner for the most part. The free stage was the most successful contributor towards the students achieving the aim and the teacher did well to leave the correction of the free stage to after it had finished. The free stage was corrected at the end via a board review and the students appeared to have a strong grasp on the past subjunctive. Whilst adjacent to the stated teaching aim of the lesson it was also identifiable that the teacher was incorporating aspects of past lessons into her teaching. In particular requesting that students state the tense of a sentence proved effective in eliciting what would be passive memory from previous lessons. This naturally also underlined the primary aim of the lesson and at one point the teacher highlighted the point, after eliciting the correct tenses form the students, by stating that â€Å"the only difference is in the subjunctive of to be†. I felt this gave clarity to the students as they progressed through the lesson with a core concise definition of what they were learning as referenced by this example. Focus was sustained throughout the lesson on a couple of occasions and this allowed the teacher to continue with the lesson whilst wasting little time discussing points that were outside the scope of the initial objectives. An example was when the teacher asked the students to identify the difference in tense between two sentences where one student identified the difference in meaning rather than tense. On this occasion it could have been easy for the teacher to become side tracked whilst discussing the meaning of the sentences however she simply dismissed the answer in a polite fashion and brought focus back to the topic at hand. With respect to the teaching aim of this lesson my main takeaway was the importance of sustaining focus on the stated objectives. When teaching myself I imagine students will be eager to explore different aspects of the English language, which if indulged could lead to the primary focus not being reached within the time frame. [1,332 words] How to cite Tesol – Observation Journal 1, Essays

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Yanmamo Culture Essays - Yanomami, Napoleon Chagnon, Monogamy, War

Yanmamo Culture There are many differences between the South American Yanomamo culture and the North American culture that we have adapted to, but just at there is culture diversity between us, we have some similarities. The ethnography, which is chose, was "Yanomamo" written by Napoleon A. Chagnon, anthropologists. Chagnon tells us how to it was to live among the Yanomamo family, political and warfare system versus the American Culture. The Yanomamo are of patrilineal culture, male oriented and very sexist. For some reason they believe that, they are superior to women, so do some men in American culture. However, they are jolted back reality when the law gets involved, unfortunately Yanomamo men don't have this wake up call. Marriage is cross-cultural perspective. Yanomamo marriages are much different from that of American marriages. Yanomamo women are treated as materialistic objects and promised by their father or brother to a Yanomamo man in return for reciprocity. The reciprocity could be another Yanomamo women or political alliances. The trades are often practiced in the Yanomamo culture. Polygamy is also a part of the Yanomamo culture. Yanomamo women are kept in the male's possession. The Yanomamo man tries to collect as many wives as he possibly can in order to demonstrate his power and masculinity. As polygamy in American Culture is referred to as bigamy which is against the law. Besides, polygamy, the practice of infanticide plays a role in the lack of women in their society. Yanomamo prefer to parent a male child rather than a female child, so in case a female is born she is killed at birth. This again proved their sexist beliefs that women are inferior. Many Yanomamo women fearing their husbands kill a female infant to avoid disappointing their so-called"better half". To the people of American culture certain procedures of murdering a new born baby would be considered brutal, horrific and mutilation. But to the Yanomamo choking an infant to death with a vine, suffocating the infant by the placing a stick across her throat, or simply throwing the child against a tree and leaving it to suffer and then die is normal. Yet some Americans would also suggest that abortion is just like murder also, so what's the difference! When an acceptable child is born into a Yanomamo family the mother breast-feeds him for a relatively long time. Children are nursed until they reach the age of at most, three or four. As long as the mother breast-feeds she is less likely to be fertile. This is a natural contraceptive. But if a new infant is born it will starve to death, because the older sibling would drink most of the milk, specially if it is a female infant. Male children grow up to be hunters and worriers. Female children although inferior (according to the Yanomamo) are valuable objects of trade and political alliances. A confusing aspect of the Yanomamo marriages is, even though polygamy is freely practiced so is monogamy but only for the women. Adultery, just like in American culture, is inexcusable to the Yanomamo. In this topic similarities make a breakthrough in both cultures. If relationship between an American woman and an American man goes putrescent and the woman becomes promiscuous violence is only expected by the man. The problem is assault and battery charges can get you into a lot of trouble, not to mention how much you would have to pay a lawyer. But Yanomamo mean get away with their violent retaliation for being disrespected because again there are no laws protecting Yanomamo women not that American women are always protected by the law, it's just a myth. The punishment for the Yanomamo women who is only suspected of having an affair with another man is being beaten with a club, burned, shot with a barbed arrow, or the man decides to detach a limb (ex. Arm, leg...) with an ax or machete. Even though it seems as though women are expendable is this culture she may have some one who would aid her if she needed help, her brothers. A Yanomamo women's endeavor and search for aid is not always successful espically if her brothers are in a remote village that you could reach if you walked for a couple of days. But if her brothers are around and close enough for some strange reason she might get a little more respect (not too much). Alliances or formal pacts between groups are incorporated through trade and feasting. The relationships between these two parties are strengthened when the exchange of